Earth Day Activities You Can Do All Year Long with the Help of Parke

We hope you had a great Earth Day celebrating our earth and bringing awareness to our community about preserving our beautiful planet! And even though it was last week, Earth Day should not be celebrated one day a year, but all year long! Nashville is a great city that is constantly encouraging mindful, eco-friendly activities. So take advantage. If it’s an event or just a simple, everyday act, celebrating Earth Day every day will have a long-lasting effect on our community.

How to Celebrate the Earth All Year

Learn how to care for your existing landscape

If you’re not a professional arborist or landscape expert, that’s more than okay. The Parke Company can help you get started. Consider starting small. Pick out a few plants that don’t require a lot of care and plant them in pots or flower beds. If you already know how to garden, consider learning how to make your lawn flourish. Research irrigation systems and what grass is best for our climate (Parke can help with this too). Understanding the plants, grass and flowers that flourish in Nashville will not only enrich your knowledge of the planet but also make your landscape look spectacular.

Study your trees

If your lawn is full of trees you’ve never cared for, there’s no better time like the present. Our arborists can come out and do a full tree care analysis to determine its health, possible problems and treatments. In addition, learning what kinds of trees you have in your lawn, how to identity leaves, and the age of your trees will all be beneficial knowledge. (You might even have a historical tree on your hands and not even know it!)

Cook an Earth Day-themed meal

This is something you could do every day if you set your mind to it. Use locally grown produce and meats to prepare the meals. Pull produce from your own garden if you have it. From fresh herbs to tomatoes to strawberries, your landscape can have all kinds of great produce to use for every meal. In addition to locally grown products, make sure your meal is healthy and has little impact on your environment. This will truly embody Earth Day in every sense.

Welcome animals to your neighborhood

This is a great way to encourage the local ecosystem! Put bird or hummingbird feeders in the trees. Leave out sources of water for animals, such as bird baths. Leave squirrels, snakes, lizards and seemingly bad creatures alone. These creatures can actually improve your landscape and the trees around them. Just be cautious of invasive insects or plants; these are creatures you don’t want to leave alone. Call an arborist at Parke for immediate tree care if you see issues arise.

Don’t let Earth Day be just one day! Celebrate it year-round. Our arborists and landscape team are always coming up with ways to be more aware of eco-friendly solutions when it comes to our services. So just by hiring us to care of your landscape, you’re doing something great for the environment. But if you want to go a step further, there are all kinds of things you can to celebrate Earth Day, even more than the list above. Be creative and come up with your own Earth Day activity. If you need tree care, irrigation or landscape services, schedule them today to get your (late) Earth Day started off right. Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Severe Weather and How it Affects Your Trees and Landscape

Fallen tree on a power line in Nashville

“April showers bring May flowers.”
And as the saying goes, it’s already been a wild April full of severe storms and crazy weather. That’s Nashville for you. And since it’s that time of year, all kinds of severe weather can play a part in damaging your trees and landscape.

We are always telling clients to be mindful of their trees and landscape for any possible damage during severe weather and what needs to happen when a storm approaches, especially this time of year. Yes, trees and landscape are resilient, but tree care and other preventive measures should always be taken to avoid it, along with avoiding a major headache and unnecessary cost.

However, Mother Nature doesn’t usually give us a damage report until after she’s blown through Music City. So the best thing you can do for your trees and landscape is be prepared when storms come.

Below are three different types of severe weather Nashville can experience this season and some measures for each instance:

How Severe Weather Impacts Landscape


Trees that are isolated or located on high terrain are even more susceptible to strikes. While we recommend protecting all trees, older and historic trees should have priority. Install protective devices for these more susceptible trees to keep lightning away and decrease the likelihood of damage. This is especially important if trees are near your home or business. Just remember, the lightning devices are complicated and should not be installed without the help of one of Parke’s certified arborists.


If your tree is not strong enough, it may not hold up to strong winds, let alone a tornado. Have our arborists come out and check the stability of the tree in question. If you have your landscape already cultivated and ready for the season, take precautions for this as well. Bring in potted plants or other plants that can be easily transplanted. When the storm is over, clean up and assess the damage. If strong winds or a tornado did enough damage, it might be best to call our team at Parke. They’ll be able to address all your issues quickly and efficiently.

Flash flood

Floods, especially in Nashville, are nothing to joke about. We learned that during the Nashville flood in 2010. Similar to the tornados and lightning, try to be as prepared as possible in the case of flooding. Bring in potted plants or other vulnerable plants that might not make it through the storm. Contact Parke for your irrigation systems as well.

Mother Nature can be fickle. If any of these scary and unpredictable weather issues come through without much warning, do the best you can. After the storms are over, the Parke Company can come out and assess any damage and how to treat it. This might include a tree struck by lightning, a damaged irrigation system or flooded landscape and flower beds. If the damage is an emergency, you can contact our emergency team for immediate assistance. The arborist’s emergency services include downed trees over power lines, roadways or homes.

Whether it’s preemptive, an emergency service or damage repair, our arborists at the Parke Company are readily available to discuss tree care options. Need landscape or lawn services? The Parke Company is available for that too! Call today.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Lawn Care and Tree Services

The Parke Company team preparing for a storm

The benefits of do-it-yourself projects are endless. DIY weddings, home renovations and crafts are just a few areas where people can do things themselves in a cost-efficient, customized manner. But there are some things that just shouldn’t be done yourself. Whether it’s because it should be done safely, quickly or skillfully, there are some things that make hiring a professional totally worth it.

Does that same rule apply to tree care and lawn care services? Though a lot of people enjoy cutting their lawns or landscaping, not everyone has the time or the green thumb to do so. And then of course, you have the safety components of tree care and landscape. Certain services (like tree removal and irrigation services) are best done by a professional arborist or lawn care expert.

Here are three great reasons for hiring a professional for your lawn care and trees:

  1. Done in a timely manner. Have you ever started a project and it turned out to be a lot more daunting than you realized? Or perhaps the project ends up taking a lot more time than you anticipated? Rest assured that when you hire professionals like those at the Parke Company, the job will get done in a timely manner with little or no interruption in your daily routine. The arborists and landscape teams understand the importance of timeliness. They make sure each job is done efficiently without causing too much disruption to your trees and landscape.
  2. Done right. There are certain jobs within tree care and lawn care that can be completed by you; mowing a lawn or raking the leaves, for example (though you don’t have to if you don’t want to). But some services can be complicated and require a little expertise. Parke’s certified arborist and lawn care teams have years of training in tree care, irrigation and landscape design. Hiring Parke, you can feel confident that the job is done right the first time.
  3. Done with safety in mind. Safety is a huge factor when it comes to trees and landscape work. If you have a maintenance issue with your trees, contact a certified arborist. An arborist knows how to properly treat the tree without causing damage to the tree. The Parke Company’s arborists are trained with strict safety precautions in mind, so there’s no need to put yourself at risk if the tree needs to be removed or treated. Put your mind at ease and let the professional take care of it.
  4. Done for convenience. Sometimes, it all comes down to convenience. You’re a busy person and the Parke team understands. Don’t let the necessary maintenance of trees and landscape overwhelm you. Call the professionals and they’ll take care of it.

If you own a home or run a commercial space in the Nashville area, chances are you have a landscape and trees to care for. Don’t worry about adding one more project to your list, call the professionals to take care of it for you. The benefits are well worth it. For more information about tree care and landscape services, contact a Parke Company representative today.

Be Prepared: Tips for Emergency Preparedness with the Parke Company

Trees with flooding around them

Severe weather plagues many states all around America, especially here in Tennessee. All types of severe weather can be an issue, but storms are most common this time of year. Tornadoes, thunderstorms and flash floods are all elements that can cause detrimental damage. That’s why it’s important to be informed and properly prepared for any possible severe storm that might enter the Middle Tennessee area. Bad weather patterns can change and arrive unexpectedly.

Of course, there are many great tips to consider and implement in your daily life when it comes to severe storms. From ensuring your trees are sturdy to keeping an emergency kit on hand, there are many ways to be prepared for a storm near your home.

Here are a handful of tips to keep in mind for this severe weather season:

  1. Develop a disaster plan with family. This is a crucial step in avoiding panic and anxiety in an already high-stress situation. Discuss a safety plan with your immediate family members in case you are separated in the event of a storm. Decide on safe meeting spots and plan on asking extended family members/friends where you might stay if you can’t get home. Also, be sure to discuss viable options and safety measures if you or a family member is stranded on a roadway.
  2. Check weather daily. Storms can pop up out of nowhere so it’s important to always have an eye on the storm. If one does approach, check local news (e.g. WSMV and WKRN) for updates.
  3. Check trees for stability. This is a major service that is often overlooked. If your trees do not receive routine tree service care, there’s a real threat of fallen limbs and the collapse of entire trees. Fallen trees can cause major destruction including damage to property as well as roadblocks if they land in the middle of roadways. The Parke Company’s team of arborists can come out and check your trees and landscape to make sure they’re healthy and sturdy.
  4. Prepare an emergency preparedness kit. Keep one in your house and in your car. Having an emergency preparedness kit handy is great in case you’re stranded in areas for an extended period of time due to a storm or a fallen tree in the road. Fill the kit with blankets, water, non-perishable food and other items you might deem necessary.
  5. Keep the Parke Company number and other emergency service numbers handy. Have a list of all your emergency contacts on hand. The Parke Company is an important number to have on that list in case a tree does fall and an arborist is needed. In case you forget, our number is listed at the very top of our site and if pressed on a mobile device will immediately call our company. Be sure to also have other important local numbers in case something goes wrong. Examples include Nashville Electric Service (NES) and Metro Water Services.

The Middle Tennessee area can get a lot of finicky weather so it’s important to stay prepared. The spring is especially true for dramatic changes in temperature. A late freeze can arrive one morning; a severe tornado and thunderstorm watch the next. Your landscape and trees usually take the brunt of this unpredictable season.

If your trees need a health check-up, call the arborists at Parke. If your landscape floods and you need repair work, the landscape crew at Parke can help with that. Parke has a variety of services available at your disposal, so be sure to take advantage. For emergency tree care services, contact Parke immediately for assistance.

Late Freezes: How They Affect Your Trees and Landscape

Spring hasn’t quite sprung, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start thinking about your landscape design and tree care services for the warmer months! Right now is the time to start planning and preparing for the spring months so your plants and tree have healthy and timely blooms.

Nashville is infamous for its late freezes. So what happens if a late freeze hits after you’ve completed your tree and landscape services for spring? Well, unfortunately that’s always a risk, especially in the Middle Tennessee area, but don’t worry! As long as you know what to do and how to protect your your trees and landscape, you’ll be good to go.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

What is a late freeze? Even with the threat of a late freeze, you can still prep and plant for the spring. A late freeze can happen as late as May, and you don’t want to lose those few months of bloom. A freeze occurs when the temperature drops below 32 degrees overnight. Frost is a common sign of a freeze, but a freeze can still occur even with no clear signs of frost.

What are the effects of a late freeze? Did you know that different plants react differently to a late freeze? That’s why it’s so important to know what kind of plants you grow on your property in order to keep them safe. Another factor is the temperature itself and the amount of time it remains that temperature. A few degrees can make a world of difference for certain type of plants. If you’re unsure, an arborist or landscape worker at Parke can help you identify which blooms or plants are at a higher risk than others during one of your landscape service or lawn service visits. The fragile plants or blooms are the ones most affected by a late freeze.

How can you protect your plants and how can Parke help? If you have potted plants that can be easily transported, bring them inside. You can also water plants before a freeze to insulate the soil and roots of the plant. You may also cover fragile plants with a flower pot or bucket to prevent frost or freezing damage on the blooms. For trees and shrubbery, cover with old bed sheets, fabric or burlap. Do not use plastic. Be sure to uncover anything you protected overnight in the morning.

Have more questions about late freezes and how to protect your beautiful landscape and trees? Parke has you covered. The team of experts at Parke will be able to tell you what precautions are necessary as well as how to keep them safe.

Interested in growing your trees and landscape into something impressive? Your favorite arborists and landscape team at the Parke Company can take care of all your tree service, landscape service and lawn service needs all year long. It doesn’t matter if you live in the Franklin area or the Madison area. They can take care of it all!

Writer of this blog – Gdweblab