Late Freezes: How They Affect Your Trees and Landscape

Spring hasn’t quite sprung, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start thinking about your landscape design and tree care services for the warmer months! Right now is the time to start planning and preparing for the spring months so your plants and tree have healthy and timely blooms.

Nashville is infamous for its late freezes. So what happens if a late freeze hits after you’ve completed your tree and landscape services for spring? Well, unfortunately that’s always a risk, especially in the Middle Tennessee area, but don’t worry! As long as you know what to do and how to protect your your trees and landscape, you’ll be good to go.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

What is a late freeze? Even with the threat of a late freeze, you can still prep and plant for the spring. A late freeze can happen as late as May, and you don’t want to lose those few months of bloom. A freeze occurs when the temperature drops below 32 degrees overnight. Frost is a common sign of a freeze, but a freeze can still occur even with no clear signs of frost.

What are the effects of a late freeze? Did you know that different plants react differently to a late freeze? That’s why it’s so important to know what kind of plants you grow on your property in order to keep them safe. Another factor is the temperature itself and the amount of time it remains that temperature. A few degrees can make a world of difference for certain type of plants. If you’re unsure, an arborist or landscape worker at Parke can help you identify which blooms or plants are at a higher risk than others during one of your landscape service or lawn service visits. The fragile plants or blooms are the ones most affected by a late freeze.

How can you protect your plants and how can Parke help? If you have potted plants that can be easily transported, bring them inside. You can also water plants before a freeze to insulate the soil and roots of the plant. You may also cover fragile plants with a flower pot or bucket to prevent frost or freezing damage on the blooms. For trees and shrubbery, cover with old bed sheets, fabric or burlap. Do not use plastic. Be sure to uncover anything you protected overnight in the morning.

Have more questions about late freezes and how to protect your beautiful landscape and trees? Parke has you covered. The team of experts at Parke will be able to tell you what precautions are necessary as well as how to keep them safe.

Interested in growing your trees and landscape into something impressive? Your favorite arborists and landscape team at the Parke Company can take care of all your tree service, landscape service and lawn service needs all year long. It doesn’t matter if you live in the Franklin area or the Madison area. They can take care of it all!

Writer of this blog – Gdweblab