3 Essential Steps to Seasonal Tree Care

Colorful leaves on top of grass.

As summer turns to fall, it’s important to make sure that your trees are healthy and properly cared for. At The Parke Company, we believe that it is essential to focus on long term tree care and health. We provide excellent tree services so that your trees remain beautiful and healthy for years to come. Here are some of the best ways to take care of your trees:

Three Ways to Take Care of Your Trees Year-Round

1.) Apply Fertilizer During Fall

Although raking up leaves adds to the aesthetics of your yard, removing leaves can deprive trees and plants of the nutrients that decomposing leaves release. In order to compensate for this, you should apply one to three pounds of slow-release nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Then cultivate it lightly. It’s best to fertilize trees in late September and early October in order to promote strong and healthy root growth. If you’re not sure how much fertilizer you need or how to properly fertilize your trees, consult with one of our friendly and knowledgeable experts.

2.) Prune Trees During Winter

Pruning involves removing dead or damaged branches in order to make your trees healthier. Pruning will lead to increased growth and fruitfulness. It’s best to prune trees during winter because the trees are dormant then. It’s important to make sure that the correct branches are being pruned. Consult a professional from The Parke Company to guarantee that your trees are being properly pruned.

3.) Inspect Trees in the Spring

When spring arrives, you should inspect your trees and treat any damage immediately. Our professional team will make sure that your trees are still healthy and remove dead trees if necessary. We can also perform lawn services.

Strong and healthy trees always fare better than unhealthy and weak ones, so it’s important to make sure that your trees are well-cared for all year long.

If you are looking for a professional tree service or lawn services, you should contact The Parke Company. We specialize in tree service and landscape projects for residential and commercial projects. Whether you live in Green Hills, Forest Hills, Oak Hill or any other suburb in the Nashville area, we can provide a free estimate for your desired project. Contact us today so that we can provide you with proper tree care.

3 Reasons to Hire Professional Landscapers

The Parke Company potted flowers on a residential patio

Do you want to turn your bland backyard into a beautiful oasis? Are you looking for a way to add curb appeal to your front yard? Are you trying to find some plants that will last through all four seasons in Nashville, TN? If so, you should consider hiring a professional landscaper. Here’s why hiring The Parke Company is well worth the investment:

1.)  We are Knowledgeable and Experienced

We not only know what would complement your yard—we have the expertise necessary to make your vision a reality. We will examine the amount of space in your yard and the types of soil in order to recommend the best types of trees, plants, shrubs and grass to plant in your yard. We will oversee pruning and tree planting. If necessary, we can remove a tree or stumps. If the project requires a permit, we will file the permit. Trained landscapers can make sure that your project is completed to code.

2.)  We Can Create a Specially Tailored Yard

Do you need plants that are safe for your pets? Do you want to build a pond or pool in your backyard?

Whether you want a backyard waterfall, a pond or a flower garden, the Parke Company can turn your dreams into realities. We will create specialized plans that match your taste and budget and allow you to pick your favorite one. It’s important to examine the customized plan carefully to make sure that you will like the end result.

3.)  We Put Safety First

If you’re ever experienced a do-it-yourself project gone awry, you can easily understand the importance of hiring a professional. Do you want lights installed by your backyard flower garden or pond? Do you want to add outdoor lights to your property? Hiring the Parke Company will guarantee that the project is completed safely. We know how to properly wire your electrical system to guarantee that it is safe for your family.

 If you have a vision for your landscape but lack the skill set necessary to make it a reality, you should contact The Parke Company. We specialize in tree service and landscape projects for residential and commercial projects. Whether you live in Green Hills, Forest Hills, Oak Hill or any other suburb in the Nashville area, we can provide a free estimate for your desired project. Working with us will ensure that the end result lives up to your expectations.


Freshen Up for Fall: Parke Services for the Fall Months

Fall leaf in The Parke Company landscaping

Football, Pumpkin Spiced Lattes and cooler weather is right around the corner. Even in Nashville, things will start to cool off before we know it, so it’s time to get prep your landscape and lawns for the colder nights. What better way to get that taken care of than with the Parke Company! Always ready to take care of your tree care or lawn care issues, the Parke Company will help clean, mulch and get rid of those pesky fall leaves.

Some of Parke’s more popular fall services include:

Flower bed clean up –After the spring and summer months, your flower beds might be full of plants that need some cleaning or preparing for the winter. The Parke Company’s landscape team will make sure your flower beds maintain a beautiful look all year long.

Leaf removal — Once fall hits, the leaves start accumulating. As you knock tree care services off your to-do list, have the Parke Company take care of leaf removal too! Raking leaves is always one of those pesky chores that goes by the wayside. Why worry with it at all when you can call the Parke Company to do it? That way, you have more time to watch the Vanderbilt game or spend time with your family.

Mulching — What are you supposed to do with all those leaves once they’ve fallen? The Parke Company will mulch any lawn care or tree debris that you might want to use later for soil or other purposes.

Overseeding — This is very important to schedule before winter hits, especially for cool season grass like fescue. Make sure if you have landscapes full of cool season grass, be sure to call the Pakre Company to schedule services before it’s too late.

It’s never too early to call and schedule services to freshen your flowerbed or landscape. A day in the life of the Parke Company can fill up fast, so it’s best get started sooner rather than later! Whether you need to take care of mulching, leaf removal or flower beds, the team has you covered so you can go back to enjoying your life just as planned. For more information and a free estimate, call the Parke Company today!

Reasons to Schedule Your Fall Services Now

Flowers in The Parke Company's fall landscaping

We can hardly believe it either, but we just have a few more weeks of summer left. As the children go back to school and the days begin to cool off, the Parke Company is already scheduling services for the fall months around Nashville and Middle Tennessee. And while it seems there might be plenty of time left, it’s never too early to call the Parke Company and schedule your fall landscape and tree services.

Here are a few reasons to schedule your fall services earlier rather than later:

The Parke Company can get booked quickly — During the Parke Company’s peak seasons, they can get booked up weeks in advance. If you know you have tree care or landscape work that needs to be done during the autumn months, it’s a good idea to call them sooner rather than later to get something set up. The Parke Company serves the areas of Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

More time to enjoy the beautiful fall landscape — The sooner you get in the books, the more time you have to enjoy the beautiful seasonal plants. The fall is full of changing leaves and picturesque landscapes. In addition, Parke does outdoor decorating for your upcoming seasonal holidays. The sooner you get this scheduled, the longer you have to enjoy your trees and landscape.

Make sure your trees and lawn are healthy as the cold months approach — It is never too early to have the Parke Company come out and do an assessment on your trees and other plants. As the weather changes, you want to make sure your landscape is healthy and ready to bear those cold nights. If there are any problems, the Parke Company will be able to assist you in recommending the best course of treatment.

It’s astounding how fast the first half of the year has blown by. Before we know it, we will be heading into the late fall and early winter. Before the Parke Company is all booked up in autumn, call them today to get your services checked off your list. For more information about their services or to schedule a consultation, call them today! 

Four Reasons Why You Should Purchase Larger Maintenance Packages

The Parke Company landscaping sign with services listed

Many customers ask the Parke Company ways they can get more bang for their buck when taking care of landscape and trees. But the answer is very easy! Not only will the Parke Company work within your budget for all of your lawn maintenance and tree care needs, but they also recommend purchasing larger packages to save money in the long run. If customers are willing to spend a bit more on the front end, the services will reward you later.

Four Reasons Why You Should Book For Larger Projects:

Work with your budget — Many customers choose to do several, smaller projects over a course of time. While this might save money at first, it ends up costing more in the end. The Parke Company understands that customers need to stay within a budget. The team is always willing to work with a client to make sure they receive the best tree care or lawn maintenance service within their price range.

Payments are easy — Especially as the new school season approaches, the Parke Company understands that you may not have the cash to pay for larger projects, however rest assured they have you covered. Customers can set up credit card payments online or an auto payment plan through the office. Have the money to pay it all at once? The Parke Company offers discounts for the overall cost if the customer can pay up front.

Save money by not overlapping services — Doing smaller projects over a longer course of time might seem appealing if you’re trying to save a dollar or two. However clients end up spending more because they end up overlapping services. This is such an easy problem to avoid if you can afford to complete all your projects at once.

Fewer visits — Though the Parke Company loves spending time with their clients, whether you are in the Belle Meade or Oak Hill area, we know you want to get back to enjoying your trees and landscape. Booking all your jobs at once will not only ensure all of your projects are completed sooner, but they also require fewer visits.

Trees, flowerbeds and lawns are flourishing in the summer sun. If you have a large project envisioned for your landscape, the Parke Company has a variety of possibilities to make those visions come to life. Whether you want to save money or get the project done quickly, there’s no reason you shouldn’t hire the Parke Company for your big summer project if you are in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area.  Want more info on tree care, landscape or lawn maintenance services?  Call the Parke Company for a free consultation.