Preparing for Storms

Tree Service After a StormSpring storms and rain can bring heavy winds and saturated ground adding danger from the trees around your home, commercial building, or other locations such as parks and recreation areas. Protecting your family or your property requires planning.

Take these precautions to be prepared for storm season:

  1. Keep an emergency kit prepared. Include water, a flashlight, a radio with batteries, a small amount of food with high caloric value such as a box of protein bars, and emergency information such as phone numbers and contacts.
  2. Have your family put on their shoes and get to a safe part of the home. Walking over debris and broken glass can cause injury long after a storm has passed. Get dressed and into a safe area to monitor conditions. Follow standard practices such as avoiding windows or large rooms with little structural support.
  3. If disaster strikes, don’t panic. Take care of yourself and your family, then begin to check on neighbors. Also, keep a personal support network of friends and extended family alerted to your situation. Be prepared to meet a determined location if you lose contact due to electrical or communications failures.

Every disaster can be made worse by a lack of preparation or a tendency to panic; and panic usually comes from not having a plan. We wish our clients the best this spring. Let’s stay safe together.

Emergency Nashville Tree Removal

Emergency Tree Removal is all about getting your life back to normal after a tree disruption. When a tree falls on or against a standing structure, it can be very upsetting. You may feel like screaming “Get it off my house!” We do that, calmly and professionally. It is the first step in getting back to normal after a tree event.