A Day in the Life at the Parke Company

Parke EmployeeWhat is a day in the life of a Parke Company employee? Well, in one word: busy. From meetings to emergency services, the crew travels all over Nashville and Middle Tennessee to take care of a variety of tree services. Here’s what a day looks like for the Parke Tree Division Leader looks like:

The morning begins with a crew meeting as they delegate jobs to each team. The main discussion during the meeting is safety, but they also follow up with past work.

  • The rest of his day is filled with multiple tasks that keeps trees and lawns happy and healthy.
  • Answer phone calls and emails
  • Touch base with equipment and supply vendors for tree service and other landscape jobs
  • Repair equipment, especially for jobs that need to meet deadlines
  • Touch base on specialty projects (the Capitol Building Christmas Tree, for example!)
  • Visit project sites to check in on teams’ work and their projects
  • Meet with clients throughout the midday and afternoon on future and existing projects
  • Work up estimates for new projects
  • Meetings for issues such as education, arboriculture trends, pest management and management meetings

The day ends doing final checks on projects and the crew finishing and cleaning the job sites for the day.

As you can see, there isn’t a dull moment (of a free one at that) for the crew at the Parke Company, especially if you are a team leader. A hard work ethic ensures the best work for their clients, so it is s no wonder why the Parke Company crew keeps a busy schedule in Nashville. For more information about the Parke Company’s tree care and landscape services or to schedule a job, call the Parke Company today to get your names in the books.

Tips for Irrigation System Winterization and Spring Start Up Care

When it comes to maintaining your irrigation and landscaping, it’s important to provide both winterization and spring start up care for your irrigation system. Even though your irrigation contractor can help maintain your system through all types of Nashville weather, there are a few simple things you can do to keep your irrigation and landscaping in top shape. Here’s how you can provide winterization care and spring start up maintenance for your landscape irrigation system:

Winterization Tips for Your Irrigation System

  1. Turn off the main water valve. It’s important to make sure your water source is completely turned off before the weather changes.
  2. Get the water out. Before cold temperatures hit, make sure there is no water left in your landscape irrigation system. After you turn off the main water valve, shoot compressed air through the system to remove all remaining water from the pipes.
  3. Protect your system controller. If your irrigation system has automatic settings, be sure to turn the entire system off, or change it to the “rain” setting.
  4. Consider hiring an irrigation contractor. Your irrigation contractor can perform high-level maintenance on your system to prevent damage from harsh winter weather.

Spring Start Up Tips for Your Irrigation System

  1. Check the valves. Winter can be hard on irrigation and landscaping. Check the seals on each valve for leaks before you turn the water on.
  2. Flush out the system. Before you run your landscape irrigation system, flush it out to remove any debris that has collected during the winter months.
  3. Test the controller. Make sure that your automatic controls still work properly at each station. If your controller has a back-up battery, replace it with a fresh one.

You can perform simple winterization and spring start up maintenance on your irrigation system. However, if you’re looking for high-level maintenance and repairs, it’s best to call an irrigation contractor for professional help.

At The Parke Company, our irrigation professionals can help maintain any Nashville landscape irrigation system. Call us at 615-350-6033 to learn more about our services or request a free quote. Whether you need to prepare your system for a harsh winter or get ready to irrigate your landscape all summer, we have you covered.

How to Spot a Hackberry Aphid in Nashville and What to Do About It

HackberryAphid_Mold2Pests are a common problem among home and property owners in Nashville — raccoons, mosquitoes and mice to name a few. But one additional pest to add to the list is the Asian Wooly Hackberry Aphid. Originally found in California, the pesky creatures have since made their way into Middle Tennessee for the hackberry and sugarberry trees.

What is the big deal? There isn’t a huge risk to the trees by having the furry, white aphids roam, but they do secrete droplets of honeydew, which fall on leaves and anything underneath, such as porches, decks, cars, lawns or playground equipment. The main problem occurs when the secretions form black mold that is really hard to clean. The mold is also a hazard, slippery substance for Nashvillians, especially when it is wet or in the shade.

What can you do about it? Inspect your trees and call your tree service provider immediately if you find a problem or have a question. There is an array of management issues that can be done for the Hackberry Aphids, but it is always best to leave it up to the professionals. Book an appointment with the Parke Company sooner than later (late winter/early spring)  to get rid of the infestation and clean up your property before people begin to spend more time outside.

Getting rid of the Asian Wooly Hackberry Aphid is not just for aesthetic purposes. (Although that might be enough reason for many!) Yes, the mold is ugly to look at, but it is also very dangerous for you and your family. If you spot these critters or the mold around your yard, don’t hesitate to call your tree service, the Parke Company. It’s important to schedule service for this issue by the end of winter or early spring. The Parke Company predicts the problem to much worse this year, because 2013 was a “wet” year. Serving areas all over Middle Tennessee, including Madison, Green Hills, Franklin and Brentwood, the Parke Company has got you covered this upcoming season. Call them to schedule at (615) 350-6033.

Fun Things to Do Outside in the Winter

WinterFun_Nashville_TreeServicesNashville is a great city to enjoy the sunny weather and all it has to offer – from walks down Broadway to hikes through Percy Warner Park. But as the winter and cold air looms over the Middle Tennessee, trees lose their leaves and people bundle next to fireplaces. But even with snow-covered landscapes, there are so many things people can enjoy doing outside. Just think outside the box!

Go sledding or skiing: Of course this depends on snow, but take advantage of Tennessee’s rolling hills, take Richland Creek Greenway in Sylvan Park for example! This activity isn’t just for children; parents and couples can enjoy it too. Put on your biggest coat and gloves and get out there. (Watch out for trees!)

Play football: It’s Super Bowl season after all! Go out in your backyard and play a little pigskin. The cold weather is just the right atmosphere for it. If your yard is full of trees or other landscape, go to the park. There are so many options to one of America’s favorite sports!

Go hiking: This activity should not be reserved just for summer time. Hiking in the winter can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Just make sure you dress appropriately. The trees and landscape all around you will look completely different in the winter than in the summer.

Being outside is not only a great way to spend time, but it is also great for your health and well-being! Unless the temperatures are hazardous, take advantage of Nashville during every season. Just remember that all that sledding and football can create mud and damage to your landscape, especially when the snow begins to melt and your ground thaws. With that in mind, tree service and landscape services are available to correct any problems. For more information about tree services and landscape services check out their website or call The Parke Company today!

Freezing Temperature Checklist for Nashville Landscapes

House_Bib_Cover_NashvilleIt is pretty obvious the moment you step outside — it’s cold in Nashville. And not just the “oh, maybe I should’ve worn a jacket,” cold, but the “oh, maybe I should’ve worn a parka, gloves and hat” cold. So how does your landscape stay safe through these freezing temperatures? There’s a big list of things to check off in order to protect your landscape, trees and home from the cold temps. The checklist includes:

  • Remove all ceramic or clay pots to avoid damage. If you can’t remove heavy or planted pots, wrap them with bubble wrap to keep them insulated.
  • Bring all outdoor hoses inside and drain them.
  • Drain any pools, fountains or sprinkler lines.
  • Shut off the inside valve of the hose bibs and allow it to drain.
  • Keep the outside hose bib on for additional draining. This will also help keep the pipes from bursting.
  • Cover any plants, young trees or flowers with freeze-protected fabrics.
  • Remove any heavy or dead limbs that might be hanging over power lines, rooftops or cars. The freeze and heavy ice might cause the limbs to break and fall.
  • Collect any firewood in case of power outages or heating problems (if you have a fireplace). The Parke Company can provide firewood for you if you need it.

Whether you live in Greenhills or West Nashville, the city and surrounding areas still experiences cold snaps throughout the winter months. It’s smart to be prepared. If you have not already checked these things off your list, be sure to do so before the next cold front. If you don’t take care of these small tasks, you might be in for much longer winter repairing and paying for avoidable problems. If there’s something you are unsure about, call the Parke Company with any questions or additional landscape needs.

Stay warm, Nashvillians!