April Showers and Lightning Damage

parke-company-emergency-services-tree-landscape-irrigation-maintenance-blog-April-Showers-and-Lightning-DamageApril showers bring May flowers, right? Well, unfortunately they can also bring lightning damage, particularly on your trees. Nashvillians are patiently waiting while the multiple storms pass through the Middle Tennessee area, but it’s important to understand the signs of damaged trees and limbs as they come barrelling through. Trees are incredibly susceptible to lightning and should be monitored regularly by the Parke Company’s certified arborists.

Trees are especially vulnerable to lightning damage because of their height. Trees isolated on hills, near water, vast lawns, landscapes or in fields are even more likely to be struck. And depending on the severity, lightning strikes can completely destroy your tree. (In which case, emergency tree care is necessary.) But there are times when trees are damaged and it’s hard to determine if it’s due to lightning because the symptoms do not manifest until weeks later. That’s why it’s important to call a certified arborist who will be able to assist you with proper tree care and guide you in a treatment plan for the affected tree.

Symptoms of lightning damage include:

  • Your tree dies within a few days or weeks after being struck
  • Your tree loses its leaves unexpectedly
  • Sunken or “dead” spots appear along the trunk or branches
  • Cracks develop down the side of the trunk

Trees are rather vulnerable to lightning so it’s important to protect them, especially if they are protected or historic trees. The Parke Company can install protective measures for your trees to decrease the likelihood of damage from a lightning strike. This is especially important if trees are near your home or business. However, these are difficult systems and should not be done without a professional arborist.  In order to ensure long-term protection and correct installation, call the Parke Company and speak with a certified professional about installing one in your landscape.

Tree care doesn’t just stop with check-ups and evaluations. If you notice that your trees have symptoms of lightning damage, call the Parke Company to discuss options for tree health care and lightning protection.