Adding Color with Annuals and Perennials

The summer of 2020 may be a bit less exciting than you had previously planned. For many of us, vacations have been postponed or cancelled, parties have been reduced to small gatherings, and daily interactions have dropped to a bare minimum. 

At this point, we are all doing everything we can to socially distance from one another in an effort to keep the world’s vulnerable populations safe and eventually return to normal — or a “new” normal. 

Many of us are looking for safe ways to stay busy and occupy ourselves. There may be no better way to do this than through a new landscaping project! 

Not only can landscaping projects be completed outside, but they can also help to spark creativity and add some beauty to your surroundings. 

If your property needs some sprucing during quarantine, check out landscaping services from The Parke Company. Start with today’s focus: adding color with annuals and perennials!

Types of Flowers to Add Color With


Annuals get their name specifically from their function. Annuals are flowering plants that complete their full life cycle within a year. Typically, annuals are separated into summer annuals and winter annuals, depending on which type of plants you wish to grow. 

Aside from their beautiful colors, annuals are desirable choices for landscaping because they can grow successfully almost anywhere. Whether it is in a hanging planter, a raised bed, or along the border of your property, annuals can be planted nearly anywhere. 

Varieties of annuals can be found all over. Annuals come in any color imaginable; from pink petunias, to purple geraniums, to yellow zinnias, annuals can help you create any color scheme and spice up every part of your landscape.  


For property owners looking for plants with a bit more lifespan, perennials may be a better option. Much like annuals, perennials are named for the length of their life cycle; perennials, however, typically live for more than two years rather than just one.

Perennials are much sturdier than other flowering plants and can often be resistant to pests or deer who may show up on your property for an afternoon snack.  

Some great examples of perennials are multi-functional lavender, bright and colorful daylilies, or big, bold, hydrangeas. 

Some of the most common choices for landscape florals are perennials, which also means that some of your favorites are relatively low-maintenance and will last through the next season!

Hiring Landscaping Services

As much fun as a new landscaping project can be, it may just turn into another headache if you don’t go about it in the right way. Rather than gorgeous and colorful flower beds, you may be left with dirt piles and an expensive home improvement store bill. 

Our landscaping experts have the experience and skills necessary to help you devise the best ways to shake up your landscape. Our technicians know just how to get you the biggest bang for your buck and add value to your home’s aesthetic. 

From lawn mowing to tree removal, the landscaping professionals at The Parke Company have the experience and the skills to handle lawn problems and answer your landscaping services questions. Let us meet the unique needs of your property and bring your design dreams to life. 

Give us a call (615-350-6033) or contact us online today to see how The Parke Company difference can work for you.