The Nashvillian’s Guide to Firewood

Firewood_Nashville_ParkeCompanyA few things to stock up on during the fall and winter months: hot chocolate, football and firewood. Of course, you can get firewood at any of your Nashville home improvement stores, but as you finish up your end-of-the-year checklist for your trees, be sure to ask the Parke Company if they have any on hand. They provide wood products like firewood and mulch. But always be cautious of stocking up on firewood, especially close to your home. Though it is attractive to keep the firewood close to the fireplace especially during snowy seasons, there can be some safety hazards in doing so. These include:

  • Termites — these pesky critters have a bad reputation will infest your home and any trees close to your stockpile.  They’ll stop at nothing for a good meal.
  • Pest — other pests can include beetles, snakes and rats. We don’t know about you, but we don’t like these guys finding their way into our home.
  • Fire — As the saying goes, we wouldn’t want to add fuel to the fire. If the firewood is close enough the house, it can only become more of a hazard.
  • Mold/moisture problem — Middle Tennessee has been wet this season! If wet firewood is close enough to the house, moisture and mold can make its way into the home causing some big problems for both the house and your health.

Ways to avoid these issues:

  • Store firewood above the ground.
  • Only bring firewood close to the home after it has been dried out. The dry wood is less likely to be infested with bugs or other “unknowns.”
  • Keep the area clean. Clean the area around where you store the firewood. Any debris such as wood chips or limbs needs to swept and cleaned immediately.SnowyFirewood_ParkeCompany_MiddleTennessee

Fireplaces are a great way to come together as a family and save energy during the chilly nights of fall and bitter months of winter. With that said, it’s important to be cautious when storing firewood. Termites aren’t your only problem. Other pests, fire hazards and molds can be issues as well. Not only can the Parke Company provide firewood for the fall and winter season, but they can also remove unwanted trees and turn those trees into firewood on the spot. In addition, they will also provide regular deliveries of firewood right to your footstep, provide specific species such as oak, hickory and poplar. For more information about the Parke Company about their firewood, tree or limb services within the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area, call today at (615) 405-65