The Importance of Maintaining your Landscape Irrigation System in Middle Tennessee

parke-irrigation-landscape-water-nashville-tnRegularly performed preventative maintenance is the single most important thing you can do to extend the life of your landscape irrigation sprinkler system. In Nashville, Tenn., these pieces of equipment are exposed to snow, sleet, hail, rain, heat, not to mention the home pets and wildlife that find something new to play with. By ensuring that your irrigation investment is properly maintained, you will be setting yourself up for success in the long run. Here’s how:

  1. Saves Money: Newly installed irrigation systems last anywhere from 10-30 years. That’s a pretty wide margin, and the aim should be to make your investment last as long as possible. Scheduling regular maintenance work on your irrigation system will ensure that it can hold on for longer. Though this involves expenses on a more regular basis, it increase your chance of holding out on the larger purchase for a longer period of time.
  2. Saves Time: As with the money, devoting a few hours a month to maintaining your irrigation system will save you the major chunk of time that gets zapped when a large emergency arises from little or no preventative maintenance.
  3. Saves Headaches: Unplanned expenses and replacements always bring about unwanted stress. Avoid the headache of dealing with unplanned for problems by consistently checking the status of your irrigation equipment. Irrigation companies typically provide general maintenance check-ups on equipment they’ve installed, so use that resource.

Consider employing a certified irrigation contractor to perform these general preventative maintenance tasks. Located in Nashville, Tenn., The Parke Company is available for questions about the costs and procedures associated with the upkeep of your irrigation system. Contact us today at (615)-207-8390.