Summer Heat and How to Be Prepared with the Parke Company

crown-thinning-trees-health-care-tree-serviceNashville summers are composed of a few things: barbecues, swimming pools and humidity. The Tennessee heat can be debilitating for the unprepared. And if you haven’t noticed, we have already had a heat wave or two come through the Metro area and it’s not even June! If you are a property owner, keeping up with your trees and landscape it is just part of the gig. But it doesn’t have to be hard! With the Parke Company’s help, your tree care and lawn care maintenance is easy during the summer heat, and you can be off spending time with family and friends under the summer sun.

 Stay Hydrated — Just like you or your family, your trees and landscape needs to stay hydrated through the humidity and hot temperatures of the summer. The Parke Company offers specialized irrigation systems for any of your lawn care needs.

 Tree Health care — Giving your trees regular health care checkups can ensure a healthy and long life. The summer is prime season for infestation, disease and other problems for trees and landscape. Call the Parke Company to discuss options for tree health care. They also offer landscape and lawn care services.

Crown Thinning — With summertime comes severe storms. The Parke Company can’t urge its customers enough to take the proper precautions for emergency situations. Be sure to have your trees cut back and have all the dead limbs removed. This will avoid unnecessary damage if or when a severe thunderstorm comes through.

The summer is a great time for the trees on your property to grow, but if the heat gets too harsh, be sure you are prepared. With proper hydration, health care and limb removal, your trees should be flourishing for the entire summer season. Interested in learning more about the landscape, lawn care or irrigation services? You can view more information here.