New Year’s Resolutions for your Trees

A new year means new beginnings and, of course, new resolutions. And while some resolutions might be short-lived, keeping up with tree maintenance can be easy all year long with The Parke Company on your side. Here are several resolutions that will ensure healthy, beautiful trees for 2013.

1. Plant more trees — If you had to cut one down in the past year, consider planting a new one. Give back to Mother Nature. The Parke Company can help advise what type of tree is best suited for your property.

2. Routinely pick up fallen branches — Mark on your calendar when it’s time to clean up fallen branches and other debris and hold yourself accountable. This will ensure both a clean and beautiful yard all year long. The Parke Company can assist you in hauling away branches as well as mulching these materials for your landscaping purposes.

3. Give your trees a check-up  — Tree and plant health is vital to the ecosystem. The Parke Company can provide a thorough health care program and analysis that will ensure proper fertilization and water conditions, as well as prevent the trees from diseases and insect infestations.

4. Remove old stumps  — Have an eyesore in the middle of your yard that you never had time to deal with in 2012? Remove or grind all the stumps this year for a fresh start.

5. Remove deadwood — Have The Parke Company come out and remove all dead or dying branches. This is done for both the safety and overall structure of your beloved trees.

This resolution season, give your trees a facelift and a fresh start with any one of The Parke Company’s tree services. Tree maintenance is often overlooked as a New Year resolution, but it’s a key factor in making sure Nashville trees receive the best possible care all year long. “Contact us today for more information about our tree service options.”