Landscaping, Construction and Tennessee Wildlife: Protecting Exposed Tree Roots

Landscape, construction or Tennessee wildlife can be hard on those exposed tree roots in your yard, especially weed eaters or the metal sides of a mower.  (Oh, and let’s not forget that it can damage the equipment too!) And most of the time the big, unanswered question is, “oh… is that bad for the tree?” Well, constant running over surface roots will weaken them and create entrances for insects and other infestations. However, if the damage is done, consult the Parke Company on what options are available on proper tree care and how to fix it.

Look Out! Tree roots are a problem all through Nashville — from Madison, TN to Bellevue. Consult with both your Nashville landscape and maintenance company for the best ways to avoid the roots and the bottoms of trees. The more you and your workers are aware, the more likely you will not damage the tree or equipment.

Protect! Plan ways to protect your tree roots and tree trunks year after year by investing in tools such as a tree trunk protector. In addition, consider planting a bed around a tree to keep mowers and weed eaters outs. This method can be very tricky so consult with the Parke Company first to avoid long-term problems. But whatever you do, do not cut the surface roots out. Not only does it make the tree more susceptible to disease but it also weakens the tree and can cause potentially dangerous situation. We all know how finicky the weather in Middle Tennessee can be!

Take Care! If damage does occur, call the Parke Company right away if you start to see signs of illness or distress. Tree healthcare is incredibly important to your property’s ecosystem, so it’s vital you stay on top of it. Signs of a sick tree are dead limbs, browning leaves during off-seasons and insect infestations.

Taking care of your landscape doesn’t stop at the flowerbeds and lawns. Your trees are important as well. Be cautious when doing landscape or other activities, as damaging tree roots and trunks could be harmful. In addition, watch out for wildlife such as deer that could use their antlers to hit against the tree. This could do the same type of damage. If you notice your tree is getting ill or distressed due to exposed root or tree trunk damage, call the Parke Company to discuss tree healthcare options and other services moving forward. For more information, call (615) 405-6548.