For Beautiful Trees, Nashvillians Need to Look at Bigger Picture

A car is a complicated machine. From the engine to the oil filter each part is there to make sure you can get from point A to point B. It’s just as important to have your oil changes as it is to get your “check engine” light looked at. The same goes for your trees. While making sure the tree itself is healthy, it’s important to look at the big picture and make sure everything is maintained. This ensures trees live healthy and stable lives — prosperous beings right outside your bedroom window.

Nashvillians already know the dangers of harsh weather, especially during the winter and spring months. One day it can be 70 degrees and sunny and the next it can be freezing rain and icy roadways. That’s why taking care of storm damage is an equally important factor in tree maintenance. Erosion caused by storm water can lead to root problems, which in result, lead to stability and safety issues for your beloved trees. The Parke Company can help you correct the storm water damage and keep your trees stable and safe. Not only does storm damage prevention and repair ensure the strength and livelihood of trees and other plants, but it’s also a great opportunity to try something new for your landscape.

Storm water damage isn’t the only maintenance issue. Root pruning, soil testing and erosion control are also key factors in healthy trees. Just like a quick oil change or a tire rotation, everything must be maintained and in working condition. If not, the system can break down. The Parke Company can advise you in any questions you might have about any of these services and how to do them.

Always look at the big picture. Be aware of not just the tree itself, but the world around it. Just like a car, you wouldn’t only attend to the engine. Major changes such as storm water, soil conditions or infestation can become an overall problem. The Parke Company can help make sure your trees stay healthy and prosperous, no matter what the problem. For more information about The Parke Company’s services, contact them today!