Electricity and Trees for Nashville Natives

The New Year has begun, but the snow, ice and bitter chill is still a familiar invader to the city of Nashville and its neighbors.  Although beautiful, the harsh weather can often damage homes, roadways and power lines all over Middle Tennessee. That’s why the Nashville Electric Service is routinely trimming and cutting down trees that pose electrically problems for customers all around the city.

Tress and other brush can be a safety hazard if in close contact with power lines. This is why NES works year-round to make sure trees and power lines are in safe distance from each other.  Whether it’s for routine maintenance or emergency situations, NES will cut or trim tress and brush to avoid power outages and other safety issues.

Before a tree is removed by NES, the following factors are evaluated:

1. Is the tree dead, dying or diseased?

2. What is the structural integrity of the tree?

3. Does the tree show any signs of the failure?

4. How much does the crown need to be trimmed?

Some similar factors are considered if brush is needed to removed from the area:

1. Is it in danger of growing into the power lines?

2. Is power lines and other NES equipment accessible?

3. Does the brush serve a purpose (example: sound barrier, protection screen, etc.)?

If the Nashville Electric Company feels that the answers to these questions can potentially cause future problems, your trees and brush might be trimmed, or even cut down in the blink of an eye.

The Parke Company understands the importance of electrical safety, but also know trees are an important part of our ecosystem. That’s why the company can help you make sure your trees and brush is within a safe distance, but also beautiful and prosperous. The Parke Company can even recommend where to plant new ones.

NES isn’t the only company working hard for Nashvillians this season. Be sure to contact The Parke Company for any questions, concerns or emergency situations — and stay warm!