3 Ways to Save Water and Your Landscaping

It’s hard a balance to strike sometimes: Watering your trees and landscaping while utilizing resources responsibly. With the summertime heat and drought restrictions in place for watering in many cities across the country, providing your plants with enough of the wet stuff can be a challenge.

There are creative ways to collect and use water, though, saving one of our most precious natural resources along the way. Consider the following:

  • Rain barrels. Rain barrels collect rain water as it falls from the sky and drips from the roof of your home. Not only do the barrels store water for future use, they also help decrease demand for local water resources during the hottest months of the year. Use of rain barrels can help save money and protect our water as a natural resource.
  • Rain gardens. A rain garden is a group of native perennial plants and soil arranged in such a way to absorb and best manage storm water runoff. These gardens catch pollutants and ensure that those pollutants and storm water runoff don’t interfere with or harm local water resources. Even the smallest of rain gardens can make a positive impact on our water supply.
  • Passive watering systems. A great example of a passive watering system is an underground drip system. Installed just below the ground (or underneath the mulch or stone in your landscaping), such a system delivers water directly to your plants’ roots, ensuring that every drop is used by your tree and plants, making evaporation minimal.

If you’d like to learn more about these watering methods or others which can help best care for your landscaping during these dry summer months, contact us. We’re happy to help.