Trend Alert! Yarn Bombing Trees

parke-company-tree-service-of-nashville-dont-delay-get-your-tree-care-services-booked-for-fallCreativity is Nashville’s bread and butter. From music to knitting, Middle Tennessee is thriving with all kinds of wonderful and creative ways to make art. So what’s new in the world of art? Yarn bombing has taken the country by storm over the last few years, and it is no wonder it’s so popular. This cool trend takes street art to a whole other level, and often uses trees to showcase what people have made. Still not sure what it’s all about? Here’s a little more information:

What to Know About Yarn Bombing Trees

What Is Yarn Bombing?

Yarn bombing is a type of street art that utilizes colorful pieces of knitted yarn instead of chalk or spray paint. Think of it as graffiti, but with yarn! Yarn bombing can be found all over the place, including poles, statues, bridges and, most commonly, trees. A trees acts as an eye-catching subject and looks like it’s wearing a sweater too. Who doesn’t love that? Many organizations have used trees for yarn bombing as a fundraising or awareness event.

Why Is Yarn Bombing So Popular?

There are numerous reasons why yarn bombing trees is popular. First off, the art project brings so much color and festivity to the area, which elicits a positive response from many. In addition, the art can bring a community together. Many non-profit organizations will sponsor events where people will knit a square of the sweater that will be added to a designated tree. Other organizations will use yarn bombing to raise awareness or market an event.

Is It Safe for Trees?

If you want to add sweaters to your beloved trees over the winter, we recommend you call one of our arborists just to be safe, especially if it needs tree care throughout the colder months. All that to say, organizations often do take precautions to ensure that the trees will not be harmed during the projects. It is advised that people do not use nails, staples or anything else that might damage the trees. Furthermore, the sweaters should be removed before the warmer season sets in.

Are There Areas in Middle Tennessee With Tree Sweaters?

If you travel often, you’ve probably noticed these sweaters on tree trunks (and even all the way up their branches) in towns all over the country. But there are spots right here at home that have taken part in this fun trend. Recently, at Cheekwood, Bliss Yarns added yarn on a Steve Tobin: Southern Roots sculpture. In addition, there are other Nashville yarn artists who take part in this mania. But as it gets colder outside, consider adding a little color to your favorite tree and its branches in your backyard. It is important to note that yarn bombing, like other street art, can be illegal in some areas if done without the owner’s consent. If you want to add a sweater to a tree nearby, be sure to ask permission before doing so.

Know of any other trees that have been yarn bombed in Nashville? We want to know! And if you need any tree care services, our arborists are available to help. Drop us a line today.