Three Cool Ways to Use your Leaves After they Fall

Reuse fall leavesA great part about fall is enjoying the beautiful Nashville foliage that comes from the season turning cooler and the days getting shorter. And as we already know, the less daylight that comes each day, the more the leaves will start to turn and slowly fall off the branches.

So even though Middle Tennessee is still seeing much warmer afternoons, as Daylight Savings Time comes into play and the nights get cold, we will start to see even more leaves fall into our backyards. But what should we do once the leaves are on the ground? Short from ignoring the leaves and letting them sit on our landscape all winter long, our arborists have come up with some fun and useful ways to use the leaves around you. So whether you hire our landscape crew to do the leaf pick-up or you’re doing the chore yourself, the end-game makes it all worth it. Here are three great ways:

How to Utilize Leaves After They Fall

Mulch and fertilizer

Using the leaves from your trees as mulch and fertilizer is probably the best way to repurpose them. Be sure to talk to a member from our landscape crew about what you want to do. They can not only gather the leaves, but also turn it into mulch and then lay it out over the necessary areas along your landscape. This leaves your landscape prepared for the winter and ready for the spring when it arrives.

Arts and crafts

Another way to repurpose your leaves is to make crafts with your family and friends. The possibilities are endless and it’s a great opportunity to spend some time with your loved ones without too much cost. Use materials you already have on hand such as glue, scissors, add construction paper and see what you can come up with. Maple trees have big and beautiful shaped leaves, which can be a great addition to your project. Consider even adding berries and needles to add texture.   

Playground for kids and animals

If all else fails, make your piles of leaves a playground for your children or animals to enjoy (and even you — we won’t judge!) Once enough leaves fall from the branches, let Parke know you want to save the piles around your yard. Once they’re piled high, have your kids enjoy themselves. It’s a free, easy playground that will keep them busy for the afternoon (just remember to check them for ticks after you’re finished).

From mulching to art projects, you have several options at your disposal for using your leaves. Our crew of arborists and landscapers have always been in the business of recycling and this isn’t any different. So as the leaves keep falling from the branches and the weather outside is still nice, get creative with the leaves and enjoy the last month of fall.

Interested in learning more about Parke’s services? Our arborists offer a range of tree care services. In addition, a variety of landscape services are available all year long. For more information, contact us today!