Why Do the Leaves Change Their Color? A Quick Refresher

WarnerPark_LeavesChange_ParkeCompany_NashvilleThe ladies and gents of Nashville are eagerly ordering their Pumpkin Spice Lattes and wearing boots in anticipation for the fall. But what exactly makes the autumn season so special? Football? Apple-picking? It’s the change in color of the leaves on the trees, of course! But exactly how do they change color and why do they eventually fall from their limbs?

The one-word answer is chlorophyll. The long answer … is a bit more complicated.

If you remember back in your 7th grade science class, chlorophyll is what gives leaves that beautiful green color during the summertime. When fall arrives, the weather cools down and the days become shorter, giving the leaves less access to sun and food. Because there are not enough resources for photosynthesis, the chlorophyll slowly disappears from the leaves leaving the yellow and orange color. If you see trees with bright red or purple leaves on their limbs, that’s mostly from the glucose levels trapped in maples.

Of course, eventually the beautiful foliage will drop to the ground and it will be necessary to clean up for the wintertime. If you don’t have time or are unable to do it yourself, the Parke Company is certified in tree chipper and debris removal so they can take care of all your leaf pick up woes. Other services to be thinking about during this time of year include:

  • Dead limb or tree removal
  • Leaf blowing or mulching for additional leaf pick up and tree chipper services
  • Expert transplant services (Your plants begin to go dormant after the first freeze of the season, which happens as early as fall.)

For more information about the Parke Company and their services, call them today at (615) 405-6548. And as the folks here in Middle Tennessee say, “Happy Fall, Y’all!”

Overseeding and Aeration on Nashville’s Fescue Lawns

Overseeding_Aeration_ParkeCompany_NashvilleIt’s that time of year again for Nashville and the Middle Tennessee area: overseeding and aeration of your lawns. Yearly maintenance is crucial in keeping a fescue lawn looking beautiful during the chilly months, which is why September and even October are key months to get it done. Perhaps the Parke Company had to come in and remove a tree early this summer — now it is time to plant grass over the bald spot. Whatever the reason, the time for this landscape chore is now.

A few things to keep in mind during the process:

  • Fescue is a cool season grass and needs seeding during the fall for those shady and cool spots.
  • Spreading seed across the lawn will not get the job done. Additionally, it’s a waste of seed. The product must be integrated into the lawn somehow — this is why aeration is so important.
  • September and October are crucial months to complete this job. If bad weather hits the aeration project, it could potentially damage the lawn for fall and early spring.
  • This overseeding and aeration process is for cool season grass such as fescue, not warm season grass like Bermuda grass.

While you are getting your landscape services caught up for the season, be sure to check off any tree services you need to accomplish with the Parke Company. Tree removal, stump grinding, healthcare analysis and even stock up on firewood are all things to think about as well. As the saying goes, “why not kill two birds with one stone?”

Take this time and complete any and all of your landscape services and tree service around your residence. The Parke Company works throughout all of Middle Tennessee including Nashville, Cool Springs, Madison, Franklin and Brentwood. For more information about tree service or questions about lawn aeration, call the Parke Company at (615) 405-6548.

The Nashvillian’s Guide to Firewood

Firewood_Nashville_ParkeCompanyA few things to stock up on during the fall and winter months: hot chocolate, football and firewood. Of course, you can get firewood at any of your Nashville home improvement stores, but as you finish up your end-of-the-year checklist for your trees, be sure to ask the Parke Company if they have any on hand. They provide wood products like firewood and mulch. But always be cautious of stocking up on firewood, especially close to your home. Though it is attractive to keep the firewood close to the fireplace especially during snowy seasons, there can be some safety hazards in doing so. These include:

  • Termites — these pesky critters have a bad reputation will infest your home and any trees close to your stockpile.  They’ll stop at nothing for a good meal.
  • Pest — other pests can include beetles, snakes and rats. We don’t know about you, but we don’t like these guys finding their way into our home.
  • Fire — As the saying goes, we wouldn’t want to add fuel to the fire. If the firewood is close enough the house, it can only become more of a hazard.
  • Mold/moisture problem — Middle Tennessee has been wet this season! If wet firewood is close enough to the house, moisture and mold can make its way into the home causing some big problems for both the house and your health.

Ways to avoid these issues:

  • Store firewood above the ground.
  • Only bring firewood close to the home after it has been dried out. The dry wood is less likely to be infested with bugs or other “unknowns.”
  • Keep the area clean. Clean the area around where you store the firewood. Any debris such as wood chips or limbs needs to swept and cleaned immediately.SnowyFirewood_ParkeCompany_MiddleTennessee

Fireplaces are a great way to come together as a family and save energy during the chilly nights of fall and bitter months of winter. With that said, it’s important to be cautious when storing firewood. Termites aren’t your only problem. Other pests, fire hazards and molds can be issues as well. Not only can the Parke Company provide firewood for the fall and winter season, but they can also remove unwanted trees and turn those trees into firewood on the spot. In addition, they will also provide regular deliveries of firewood right to your footstep, provide specific species such as oak, hickory and poplar. For more information about the Parke Company about their firewood, tree or limb services within the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area, call today at (615) 405-65

Open Burning Regulations in Tennessee: What you Need to Know

OpenFireRegulations_ParkeCompany_NashvilleTennesseeWe’re not sure how, but the summer is coming to an end. The retail stores throughout Nashville are slowly stocking up on plastic pumpkins, Halloween candy and apple cider. Pools will eventually close, nights will cool down and a bonfire will be the new centerpiece of every party. The Parke Company loves a great shindig; however, it’s important to know all the ins and outs of outdoor burning (from bonfires to burning brush) within the state of Tennessee.

But the number one rule before you burn: Contact your local authorities to see what permits and guidelines are necessary before burning. Though the state department has general guidelines to follow when you begin open fires, it’s crucial to double check with local authorities for any additional guidelines or required permits. Lack of preparation or permit can result in a fine or even damage to you and your property. It’s important to be educated on your local rules, whether it’s a recreation bonfire or a brush pile of limbs. Other guidelines include:

  • Let your neighbors and local authorities know you plan to burn.
  • Supervise the burn closely.
  • Supervise any children.
  • Bonfires need to be at least 50 feet away from anything that can burn such as trees and overhead limbs. Recreational fires (campfires or fire pits) need to be at least 25 feet away.
  • Don’t burn on windy, dry days.
  • When burning, have a hose or a bucket of water nearby. Never use gasoline or other flammable substances.
  • Extinguish the fire completely.
  • Call 911 immediately if the fire gets out of control.

Whether you’re prepping for a party or just getting rid of some old brush, it’s important to do a little research beforehand. It’s OK not to know where to begin. If the Parke Company doesn’t know your local regulations, they will do their best to direct you to someone who does. Though local regulations still apply, contained firepits from your local home improvement store are great alternatives for open fires. The Parke Company services Middle Tennessee, including Nashville, Cool Springs, Franklin and Madison.

For additional information on Nashville Metro’s guideline’s click here.  You can also contact the Nashville Fire Marshal at (615) 862-5421 or the Codes Department at (615) 862-6500 for additional information. Be safe out there, everyone!

April Showers and Lightning Damage

parke-company-emergency-services-tree-landscape-irrigation-maintenance-blog-April-Showers-and-Lightning-DamageApril showers bring May flowers, right? Well, unfortunately they can also bring lightning damage, particularly on your trees. Nashvillians are patiently waiting while the multiple storms pass through the Middle Tennessee area, but it’s important to understand the signs of damaged trees and limbs as they come barrelling through. Trees are incredibly susceptible to lightning and should be monitored regularly by the Parke Company’s certified arborists.

Trees are especially vulnerable to lightning damage because of their height. Trees isolated on hills, near water, vast lawns, landscapes or in fields are even more likely to be struck. And depending on the severity, lightning strikes can completely destroy your tree. (In which case, emergency tree care is necessary.) But there are times when trees are damaged and it’s hard to determine if it’s due to lightning because the symptoms do not manifest until weeks later. That’s why it’s important to call a certified arborist who will be able to assist you with proper tree care and guide you in a treatment plan for the affected tree.

Symptoms of lightning damage include:

  • Your tree dies within a few days or weeks after being struck
  • Your tree loses its leaves unexpectedly
  • Sunken or “dead” spots appear along the trunk or branches
  • Cracks develop down the side of the trunk

Trees are rather vulnerable to lightning so it’s important to protect them, especially if they are protected or historic trees. The Parke Company can install protective measures for your trees to decrease the likelihood of damage from a lightning strike. This is especially important if trees are near your home or business. However, these are difficult systems and should not be done without a professional arborist.  In order to ensure long-term protection and correct installation, call the Parke Company and speak with a certified professional about installing one in your landscape.

Tree care doesn’t just stop with check-ups and evaluations. If you notice that your trees have symptoms of lightning damage, call the Parke Company to discuss options for tree health care and lightning protection.